On October 9, 1969 a feature was published in the Door County Advocate about Mrs. Ray Guth. The article, "Learn Belgian Pie Making From One Who Knows How" by Dorothy Fleming was one of the first featured articles of that era and Jean was the first to have the recipe published.
Read the 1969 article from the Door County Advocate
Learn to Make!

What is a Belgian Pie?
For those less familiar with the tradition, Belgian Pie is a sweet pastry with various fillings and toppings. The dessert is sold at various festivals and Kermiss celebrations throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Southern Door County has the largest population of Belgian Immigrants and their descendants in the United States.
The Belgian immigrants brought the Belgian Pie making custom from the old country and it's still carried on today. The pies are primarily made and sold by the hundreds at local ethnic festivals.
Gina Guth, the daughter of Mrs. Jean Guth, has the process scaled down and offers a hands on approach to the recipe passed on to her by Ida Rouer-Lardinois, second generation Walloon immigrant from Belgium who learned the process from her mother, Adele Deviller-Vandertie-Rouer, and mother-in-law, Mary LuMaye who were born in Belgium.
There are several varieties of Belgian Pie that are baked on a sweet pastry. Cherry, prune, apple, and raisin flavors have a sweet cheese topping. The rice is topped with whip cream. Scroll through the slides below to learn about each type of pie.

Made with Door County cherries grown locally. Baked on a sweet raised dough 9" pastry crust that is topped with a blended cottage cheese, egg and sugar mixture.

This apple pie is made with apples from a local Door County orchard. It is topped with a blended cottage cheese, egg and sugar mixture and is baked on a sweet raised dough pastry crust.

You, too can carry on this tradition!
Learn the process in the following ways:
Online Zoom classes that give a step by step ​follow along lesson​
In Person classes held at the Flour Pot kitchen in De Pere, WI